Date.prototype.format = function(form) {
if (!this.valueOf()) return " ";
var weekName = ["일요일", "월요일", "화요일", "수요일", "목요일", "금요일", "토요일"];
var current = this;
return form.replace(/(yyyy|yy|MM|dd|E|hh|mm|ss|a\/p)/gi, function(form) {
switch (form) {
case "yyyy": return current.getFullYear();
case "yy": return (current.getFullYear() % 1000).zf(2); // 2자리
case "MM": return (current.getMonth() + 1).zf(2);
case "dd": return current.getDate().zf(2);
case "E": return weekName[current.getDay()];
case "HH": return current.getHours().zf(2);
case "hh": return ((h = current.getHours() % 12) ? h : 12).zf(2);
case "mm": return current.getMinutes().zf(2);
case "ss": return current.getSeconds().zf(2);
case "a/p": return current.getHours() < 12 ? "오전" : "오후";
default: return form;
String.prototype.string = function(len){var s = '', i = 0; while (i++ < len) { s += this; } return s;};
String.prototype.zf = function(len){return "0".string(len - this.length) + this;};
Number.prototype.zf = function(len){return this.toString().zf(len);};
var date = new Date();
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var endDt = new Date();
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endDt = item.endDate;
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// 현재날짜가 설정기간에 속할 때
if( startDt <= date.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') && date.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') <= endDt ){
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html = '
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$('.popup-student-recruitment #student-recruitment').attr('title','각 대학원 합격자 발표 및 고지서 출력')/*접근성용*/
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$("#popupTitle").text("각 대학원 학생 모집 안내");
$('.popup-student-recruitment #student-recruitment').attr('title','각 대학원 학생 모집 안내')/*접근성용*/
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/* 메인에서만 배너 연 채로 노출 */
/* 배너 없을 경우, 닫은채로 노출 기능 추가 - 24.08.27 */
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